Our Mission
About Zionism Victoria
Zionism Victoria fosters a deep connection between the Victorian Jewish community and Israel, as well as facilitating a bridge between the Jewish community and the extended general community.
It’s our mission to lead and encourage Jewish and Zionist activity and expression within Victoria, to represent the Jewish community, to promote and communicate Israel’s interests within the broader Victorian community and to promote and strong and positive relationship between the State of Victoria and the State of Israel.
It is our role as the roof body of all Zionist organisations in Victoria:
- To provide opportunities for discussion, debate and expression of Jewish and Zionist thought.
- To develop deeper connections between the Victorian Jewish community and Israel, in particular attempting to include a wider cross section of the community in our activities.
- To actively engage with the general Victorian community with a view to expressing, explaining and promoting Israel’s interests.
- To conduct cultural, educational and informational activities and events.
- To create an atmosphere within the community that values Zionist thought and expression, the Hebrew language and culture, and pride in Israel and her achievements.
- Promoting and fostering Jewish communal voluntary and professional leadership and management.
- Fostering intercommunity understanding and tolerance and taking an active role in the Victorian multicultural community.
Philosophically, Zionism Victoria, and the Zionist movement bases its activities and priorities on the “Jerusalem Program” – the charter adopted by the World Zionist Movement in 1968 and updated in 2004. The Jerusalem Program calls for the centrality of Israel in Jewish life worldwide, and promotes the ingathering of the Jewish people into their historical homeland through aliyah.
The diversity of Zionism Victoria’s affiliated bodies is its strength. Affiliated organisations include the Zionist youth movements, fundraising organisations, Jewish day schools, orthodox and progressive synagogues, as well as various political and social community groups. With 53 affiliates and a democratically elected executive, the Zionism Victoria represents the broad range of community organisations which serve the Melbourne Jewish community.
Since its establishment in 1938, Zionism Victoria has played an important role in advancing Israel’s cause in both the Jewish and wider communities.
Zionism Victoria is a Child Safe organisation with an existing Child Safe Policy.